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Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming April 12, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today has been a typical early spring day in April here in Ottawa. It’s been a somewhat gloomy, relatively warm day here with showers on and off most of the day. April showers bring May flowers, or so they say. The temperature reached around 15oC, but the day has been damp and somewhat cool in feel, making my aches and pains somewhat worse than usual. I’ve stayed inside much of the day and just took it somewhat easy. Still feeling a bit under the weather, and my right shoulder and arm are hurting a lot.

It’s been a few weeks since the Friday night gamers played, because of the Easter weekend, but the players are gaming tonight; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. They’ve told me they’re looking forward to tonight’s session.

The players will be continuing with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and I’ve actually managed to get a little bit more work done on some future stuff for the campaign this week. Like I’ve said before, it’s very different than running a game set with a Time Lord and their companions aboard a TARDIS. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. 🙂


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