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Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming March 10, 2024

Posted by jkahane in doctor who rpg, health hut, life, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s a relatively cool day here in Ottawa, the temperature being around -2oC. It has been raining and snowing a bit off and on most of the night, and partially this morning,and is just a dim, gloomy day of grey outside. As I type this blog entry, the snow has started falling and stopped again. There is expected to be some 3-7 cms. of the white stuff today and overnight, and it’s also a bit blustery out there. Happy to be inside today. In the meantime, Daylight Savings Time started today, so I am quite exhausted and am feeling a bit under the weather and all as well. Possibly the health issues I’ve mentioned in other blog entries, but I think more due to the missing hour of sleep.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I hope. I’ll be getting the players to do the heavy, and not so heavy, lifting for me once more today since I don’t want to take a chance with how my stomach and lower body is feeling. Hopefully, the players are looking forward to this session.

The players will be continuing their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. I’m quite looking forward to running the game this afternoon. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to get my act together for the and get ready to run the game. Then relax for a few moments.

Have a good day, folks. 🙂

DST Begins Today March 12, 2023

Posted by jkahane in health hut, personal.
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It’s Sunday morning.

Daylight Savings Time began at 2:00 am this morning.

So I hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks forward an hour. And lose an hour’s sleep last night.

Much worse for me this year, as I’ve been sleeping very poorly due to the pain and stuff with my foot and getting too little sleep for months, nay years, now. Add to that the stress I’m dealing with from everything and… I feel very tired this morning, and this hits me the same way every year. Sleep deprived. Ughh!