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‘Twas the Day After CanGames May 20, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, gaming hut, health hut, holiday, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut.
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Hope everyone is having a good day. 🙂

CanGames 2024 is pretty much a done deal for me, though the folks who organised and put on this year’s edition of the convention are probably dealing with the aftermath of the convention and hopefully getting in some rest today as well.

While I was battling severe allergies and suffering from severe pain in my right shoulder and leg as well as a few other health issues that I’m not going into here, I had a pretty good convention, managed to run the three (3) game sessions that I had arranged for, and came away from CanGames in relatively good shape ::knock on wood::. I had a lovely time running the games I did at CanGames 2024, catching up with a few friends, and making some new ones, but I’ll admit that parts of the weekend passed in a bit of a blur. The convention had a little bit of something for everyone – from children’s games, through board games, miniature games, roleplaying games, and I think there may have been a LARP event, but am not sure – but I’ll admit that I missed most of it. I managed to do what I set out to do at the convention, but didn’t take any photos this year. (If folks who did take photos at the convention would care to share them, I’d be more than happy to see any pics and the like! And if someone snapped photos of me running games or of my game table, please send me e-mail or a text with links to the pictures!)

On this holiday Monday, I’m taking it very easy, doing a bit of reading and catching up on various stuff, drinking plenty of liquids (both hot and cold). I’ve unpacked most if not all of the gaming stuff and it’s mostly sorted out. I haven’t jotted down any notes about the gaming that I did this weekend yet, but will take care of some of that later today.

I just hope the second half of May is relatively calm and quiet in terms of everything, that I don’t come down with con crud ::knock on wood:: and that I can sort out some of the diabetes and medical problems I’m currently dealing with.


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