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‘Tis the 1st of June June 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in atlantis rpg, cangames, diabetes, doctor who rpg, friday gaming group, health hut, life, new month, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, the world, troubleshooters rpg, weather.
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I’ll be going out to do the grocery shopping and some errands this afternoon, so figured I’d try to write this blog entry before I go out, as it’s going to be a warm day and I’m not sure how I’ll be feeling health-wise when I get home late this afternoon.

June 1st. The start of a new month.

And I am so happy to see the end of May. (And I suspect that quite a few people out there feel the same way.)

Last month was a pretty wretched month for me. Much of this can be attributed to the state of the world and society in general due to all the violence in the world out there, as well as the continued rising of prices of consumer goods (notably food) and the fact that COVID-19 is still out there. The basic nature of human beings has come out in these terrible times, showing its dark, deep ugliness during the last few months once more, with terrible events happening (that I’m not going into here).

In terms of myself, I’ve spent much of May dealing with the same problem that has plagued me for the last several months: diabetic matters bowel issues, what may be cancer (still waiting on biopsies and tests and specialist appointments), and some issues with dizziness, weakness, and muscle matters. Also dealing with my right shoulder, arm and back; still in severe pain and have limited mobility. Throw in the allergies this year, which are far worse than they’ve been for some time, and I’ve had a pretty miserable May of it.

When it comes to roleplaying games… I managed to make it out to CanGames 2024 and had a pretty good time of it. I paced myself well and ran two sessions of the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game RPG and a session of the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and had a good time of it. Caught up with some friends and acquaintances that I’d not seen on four years, met some new folks (one of whom is coming out tomorrow (Sunday) to create a character for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, hopefully to become part of the Sunday gaming group). The Sunday and Friday gaming groups will hopefully get some gaming in this month, and I’m looking forward to that. Both groups are continuing on with the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaigns, but I am looking forward getting back to the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game again, and also to running Atlantis: The Second Age and The Troubleshooters RPG as well in the future.

On the down side with June, this is the day that usually truly heralds the coming of summer for me, and the hot weather that I really dislike. It’s been a pretty hot month of May, with some unseasonal cool weather as well, so that doesn’t augur well for June. The allergy season is in full swing, as noted above, and it’s a brutal one, and I’m suffering from that quite badly as well, and that’s with taking meds and stuff for it. I don’t have a lot of doctor’s appointments this month, though that may change, so we’ll see how the medical aspects of the month turn out.

Anyway, June is off to a somewhat quiet, not great start, though the weather outside is quite hot today; at least there’s no heat warning in effect.

In the meantime, I have to try not to fall into depression about things and the fact that I don’t really see or talk to anyone, other than one of my friends once a week, and the gaming crew(s) of course.

“One day at a time in June” is my motto.

It’s May – The Start of a New Month May 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, gaming hut, health hut, life, new month, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut.
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It’s May 1st. A new month.

First off, Happy May Day (or Beltane, if you prefer)! 🙂

April was a pretty rough month in a lot of ways, largely due to abdominal and bowel issues, some of which may be related to the diabetes but is largely due to other stuff going on that is being evaluated with delays due to medical healthcare problems in the province. There is a possibility that I may have cancer somewhere down below, but am waiting on a few more tests and stuff. In addition, my right shoulder and right upper back are very bad, and I keep having pain in the right thigh and back that feels very much like sciatica. I would say the shoulder has gotten worse over the last year or so, and the cold, wet weather that we had here in Ottawa the last (couple of) month(s) has not helped with the shoulder/arm issue. I’ve only had two tests done on the affected area, one of which was an MRI, since October, 2022, and am waiting on another MRI or ultrasound (not sure which) which has been delayed until August, 2024. Lifting stuff is not good at all, and more than the weight of a casserole dish and I’m in danger of dropping whatever I hold. sigh

Hopefully, May will be a better month all around. The local gaming convention, CanGames for 2024 is coming up this month, on the long Victoria Day weekend of May 17th-19th, and I will be attending the convention. You can read about what I’ll be running in this CanGames schedule entry, and I hope to see some folks at the convention. I haven’t been to CanGames since 2019 (due to the COVID pandemic and last year’s diabetic ulcer), so am quite looking forward to it. There are a couple of other things I’ll be doing this month that I’m not going to talk about yet, and I’ll be doing a bit of gaming with the Friday night and Sunday afternoon gaming groups, Real Life(tm) stuff permitting.

Anyway, I’m spending the day relatively quietly and taking it easy, though there’s a few things around the house I need to get done and and the like.

I’ll be posting up my book reads for the month sometime tomorrow or the 3rd at the latest, but for now, I’m just glad it’s the beginning of May.

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming April 26, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today has been a typical early spring day in late April here in Ottawa. It’s been a relatively nice, sunny day with only the occasional cloud cover, decently warm for most of the day other than the fact there’s been a bit of a breeze keeping the wind chill in effect a bit. The temperature reached around 15oC, but with the wind felt more like 8 or 9 degrees C. My aches and pains have been somewhat bad today, the right shoulder bothering me quite a bit, and I’ve had some bowel issues today as well that have not helped much. I’ve stayed inside most of the day, though I did get in a 15-minute walk as well. Took it easy for the day. Still feeling a bit under the weather, and my right shoulder and arm are hurting like hell.

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Will probably need the players to do the heavy lifting for me once more today, since the right arm and shoulder are pretty bad. The players are looking forward to tonight’s session.

The players will be continuing on with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and I’ve managed to get a little bit more work done on some future stuff for the campaign this week. I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming March 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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It’s been a somewhat atypical day so far, this 1st day of March, somewhat cool with sunny periods. The temperature has reached around 5oC, but the day has felt damp and is making my aches and pains somewhat worse than usual. I’ve stayed inside much of the day as I had a second series of biopsies done yesterday on my left abdominal and intestinal side, so other than going out to get the snail mail this afternoon, I’ve been taking it easy. I feel a bit under the weather, my right shoulder and arm are hurting a lot…and my stomach has been upset somewhat today as well.

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. We’ll be taking appropriate measures as the group sees fit due to the resurgence of COVID-19 and the flu and RSV season right now, the Friday gamers have elected to play tonight with the adequate protective measures as usual. And they’ve promised to help me out with any lifting of stuff, heavy or otherwise, since I need to not put stress on my abdomen and lower intestines. The players are quite looking forward to gaming this evening, so I’m pleased about that.

The players will be continuing on with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and I’ve managed to get some more of the basic material ready for tonight’s game session. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. 🙂

The Start of a New Month March 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, life, new month, ottawa, pandemic, personal, weather.
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It’s March 1st. The start of a new month.

Thank Goddess.

February was a very bad month for me, and that’s putting it mildly. Between the health issues I had last month and some of the other stresses I’ve been dealing with that I’ve not discussed here in the blog, February was a terrible month in so many ways.

The weather for February here in Ottawa was a totally mixed bag, very atypical of weather for the month, with relatively warm winter weather, a few dumps of snow that weren’t so much epic as just surprising, and only a few days of really cold weather. Just a very bizarre weather month. The Ottawa valley set several records in terms of warm temperatures for the month. I don’t know what’s going to happen here in March weather-wise, but it’s gotten off to a very bright start, relatively cold and sunny (the current temperature is 4oC outside), so who knows what the month will bring. We’ll see how the weather shakes out, I guess.

My health was not very good in February, as to be honest, I’ve had somewhat severe bowel and intestinal issues much of the month and while my feet haven’t been too bad, they hurt enough to make me re-think walking on some days. My right shoulder and arm are very sore, hurting quite a lot and preventing a lot of movement and use of the arm on some days. Still waiting on another MRI or two on the arm and shoulder. In the meantime, I’ve finally had biopsies taken of the masses in my lower left bowel and intestines the past two weeks, but have to wait for the results. As might be imagined, I’ve had several bouts of depression this past month, don’t seem to be getting a lot of sleep (5 hours per night at most), and have had several (bad) panic attacks.

The COVID-19 (not-)pandemic continues on unabated, with the virus still winning it seems. Add a new outbreak of measles (that I hopefully will not contract ::knock on wood::) and the flu and RSV infections still out there, and well… Then there’s the state of the world right now, Russia’s continued invasion of Ukraine (going into its third year) and the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and well… the world is not a pleasant place to live in right now. 😦

Anyway, not a month that I’m ever going to look back on positively.

So, a new month…hopefully one that treats me…gently.

So bring it on, March! 🙂

Happy Family Day February 19, 2024

Posted by jkahane in health hut, holiday, personal.
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Happy Family Day!

Well, at least if you live in Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan (and on a different date in British Columbia). 🙂

I don’t really have anything planned this year for Family Day. Since I am feeling a bit under the weather, am hurting in a few places, and can’t afford to do much of anything, going to stay home and just relax. Watch some Ottawa Senators-Tampa Bay Lightning hockey and/or some Scott Tournament of Hearts curling, do a bit of reading (if possible) and maybe watch some DVD stuff.

In the meantime, folks, stay safe and stay healthy in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and… I hope that everyone has a good Monday. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming February 18, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s another somewhat cold day in the Ottawa valley. The sky is gray, and as I write this blog entry, it’s snowing outside. The Goddess dropped another 7 centimetres of snow on the city last night, and there’s another 3 to 7 cms of the white stuff expected today as well. The temperature is currently -7oC outside, with a wind chill much colder than that, and is expected to drop quite a bit into tonight. I’m feeling somewhat under the weather today, my right shoulder and lower back are hurting quite a bit, and I’m having a few bowel issues today as well. Same old, same old.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I hope. The snow is still coming down outside, but none of the players have called to say they can’t make it out for gaming, so I’m going on the assumption that gaming is on for the day. The players are quite looking forward to this session, as I understand it.

The players will be starting their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. The players are looking forward to playing the game this afternoon, and I’ve managed to get some basic material ready for today’s game session (just in case). That said, I am looking forward to running the game this afternoon. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and have a cup of hot tea while I wait for the gamers.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming February 11, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s another one of these not so typical Sundays in February, where you’re not really sure it’s the winter of 2024. The day is overcast and gloomy, and it’s supposed to rain or maybe snow overnight. Definitely cold and very damp. The temperature is around 2oC as I write this, and isn’t supposed to go up much as the day goes on. The cold and damp are making my aches and pains far worse for the day. I’m also having some bowel issues today and my lower abdomen is somewhat uncomfortable today as well. Right shoulder not doing too well.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. The players are quite looking forward to this session, as it will be their second session in a row, and only their third gaming session of 2024.

The players will be continuing on with their Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon, as I hopefully will wrap up the current case file (scenario) that they’re into right now. I’m quite looking forward to this afternoon and the session ahead, and my two players are looking forward to playing in the game as well. They’ve missed gaming. Should be a fun afternoon.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and have a cup of hot tea while I wait for the gamers.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming February 4, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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‘Tis another atypical February day in the winter of 2024. The day is clear and gloomy, somewhat cold and very damp. The temperature is around -1oC as I write this post, and the cold and the damp is making my aches and pains worse for the day. Add to that another sleepless night and some stomach and bowel issues overnight and so far this morning, and well… I just feel tired. And the right shoulder is pretty bad, too.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group this day; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. The players are quite looking forward to this session, as it’s only their second session of gaming in 2024.

The players will be getting back to the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon, as I start them off on a new case file (scenario). Without giving anything away, I’ll be running a case file that is based on one of the comic series stories from Titan Comics. I’m quite looking forward to this afternoon and the session ahead, and my two players are looking forward to playing in the game as well. They’ve missed gaming. Should be a fun afternoon.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and have a cup of hot tea while I wait for the gamers.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming November 12, 2023

Posted by jkahane in health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s a relatively sunny day outside, a little bit windy here in Ottawa. As I write this, the temperature is currently 1oC and isn’t expected to go higher than about 2oC, but the wind chill is making it feel somewhat…cooler. I didn’t sleep well last night due to issues with my bowels and am feeling somewhat under the weather still down below. sigh

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming today and next week as well, barring any weather issues or health stuff.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m currently running. They’ll be continuing with their current case file this afternoon, so that should be fun. I’m quite looking forward to the game. 🙂

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit and have a bit of water.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂