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Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming September 10, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It has been a somewhat overcast day, relatively cool day today so far, with some intermittent sunshine and a mild breeze here in the Ottawa valley. The sun is currently out as I write this, but there’s a bit of haze in the air from the smoke of forest fires elsewhere. The temperature is currently 19oC and is heading to around 23oC, the humidity making it feel in the middle 20s C. I didn’t sleep well last night due to diabetic issues, pain in my feet and my shoulder, some very bad nightmares. My allergies are bothering me. Feeling dehydrated somewhat as well.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend, and then we’ll have three weeks off due to Tammy’s work schedule.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m currently running. Given the three week break ahead, I’m really hoping that they wrap up this first case file for the game. I’m quite looking forward to the game. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit and have a bit of water.

Have a good afternoon, folks. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming September 3, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It has been a somewhat overcast day today so far, with some intermittent sunshine and a warm breeze here in the Ottawa valley. The sun is currently out as I write this, but there’s a bit of haze in the air from the smoke of the fires in the Yukon and Northwest Territories that has made it to the east again. The temperature is currently 24oC and is heading to around 30oC, the humidity making it feel in the middle to late 30s C. I didn’t sleep well last night due to pain in my feet and my shoulder, and some very bad nightmares. My eyes are a bit red and I’ve got a sore throat (from the smoke from the fires, which the a/c in the house will help with) and my allergies are bothering me. Feeling dehydrated somewhat as well.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend, the Labour Day weekend, but I’m not sure about Tammy’s schedule after this so we’ll see what the next few weeks bring.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m currently running. They’ll be continuing on with the first case file (scenario). I’m quite looking forward to the game. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit and have a bit of water.

Have a good afternoon, folks. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming August 20, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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Today has been a somewhat cloudy day, with lots of moments of sunshine here in the Ottawa valley. The sun is currently out as I write this, but there’s a bit of haze in the air from the smoke of the fires in the Yukon and Northwest Territories that has made it to the east, though there are expected to be showers later today that will hopefully clear the air somewhat. The temperature is currently 231oC and is heading to around 28oC, the humidity making it feel in the low 30s C. I didn’t sleep well last night for various reasons and am somewhat exhausted, and my eyes are a bit red and I’ve got a sore throat (from the smoke from the fires, which the a/c in the house will help with) the allergies are bothering me, and I’ve got a bit of sciatica along with the usual problems in the various body parts. Am a mite irritable too, if I’m being honest.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend, but not the last weekend of the month, and after that is the long Labour Day weekend, so not sure when the Sunday group will be gaming next.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m currently running. They’ll be continuing on with the first case file (scenario) I’ve got worked out (mostly) for them. I’m quite looking forward to the game. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit, have a bit of water, or perhaps some hot tea.

Have a good afternoon, folks. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming July 2, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg hut, rpgchat, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s another of these grim looking days in the Ottawa valley today. The weather is very overcast, with tinges of brown in the clouds and a bit of haze in the air from the Quebec forest fires that continues to blow into the Ottawa valley. The temperature is currently 23oC and is going up to around 27oC today, with rain expected later today. It’s also quite muggy outside already, as the humidity is quite high, so hopefully the rain when it comes will clean the air of some of the smoke in the air. I had a pretty miserable night of it, in terms of sleep and other stuff. Today, my allergies, the lack of sleep, the temperature and humidity and the poor air quality has me feeling pretty poorly and I feel sluggish. Throat feels a bit raw, and my chest is hurting somewhat, not to mention the headache.

Regardless, I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend and next, but not sure of Tammy’s schedule yet after that. Gotta get in the game sessions when I can.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m going to run this afternoon. They’ll be continuing on with their Session Zero material, as we’ll be talking about the game rules and the combat system, and hopefully get to some samples of combat and then into the first case file I’ve got worked out for them. I’m quite looking forward to the game. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and put my feet up for a bit. Have something hot to drink. Then I need to make some notes on a forensics kit that a London medical examiner might have.

Have a good afternoon, folks. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming June 30, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today, the last day of June, has been a somewhat typical day here in the Ottawa valley. It’s been mostly cloudy outside, threatening rain at times, though the sun came out late this afternoon. The temperature hit around 27oC today (with the humidity up around 31oC), and the air was quite still and silent for much of the day. What has marred the day once more is the smoke from the Quebec forest fires in the air today, and that rendered the air quality hazardous and prevented me from going out today and doing much of anything strenuous indoors as well. My shoulder and arm are bothering me a lot today, but otherwise I haven’t felt all that bad today aside from the air quality and breathing issues.

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night gaming group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Everyone has agreed that they would like to game this evening despite the air quality business and the ongoing COVID-19 not-a-pandemic. There’s a possibility that we’ll be wearing masks this evening, depending on how the air quality is. No sense taking any chances.

The Friday night gamers will be continuing on with their Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign this evening. This second session will likely be the wrap up of the Session Zero part of the game. I’ll be going through the basic mechanics of the game, some of the combat system, and will hopefully get to run some samples of combat before starting in on the first adventure with the players.I’m quite looking forward to the game tonight. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make something relatively light, but hot, for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. πŸ™‚

Last Day of June June 30, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, pandemic, personal, rivers of london rpg, weather.
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It’s the last day of June, 2023.

And truth be told, I can’t wait for this month to be over.

I’m not going to go into details about everything that’s gone down in June and why I’ll be happy to see the month in the rear view mirror. All you, dear reader, have to do is read some of the blog entries of the past month (and those of May) to see what’s been going on health-wise with me, among other things/events, but it will be good to start looking forward to the month of July. My diabetes is still seriously out of control, given that I’m no longer taking metformin any longer, the diabetes specialist hasn’t replaced it with another drug or whatever until at least December (my next appointment with him), and so my blood sugar levels are not good, despite the fact that I’m not eating any of the wrong foods (well, not much anyway…have you seen the price or vegetables at the grocery stores? Eeek!!). Other than that, on the health front, the good news is that the diabetic lesion on the bottom of my left foot is finally healed. Six months, it took! Not having walked very much for that whole time (on the chiropodist’s advice and warnings) has left me physically out of (walking) shape; have walked too much, I think, the last two or three weeks, and to be honest I have the pain in parts of my body to prove it! Need to be more cautious and choosy in my walk habits for a while, methinks, and let the various muscles strengthen and all, but also not allow another diabetic lesion to develop. ::knock on wood::

In other health related matters, there is no change in the condition of my right shoulder, arm and back area. In fact, the shoulder is getting worse in a lot of respects, and I’m experiencing problems using my right arm and hand as well. The orthopedist is unable to see me at the moment due to his time constraints, and I’m still waiting on tests for the shoulder ’til the appointment in March, 2024! I keep calling the Ottawa General lab twice a week to see if there’s a cancellation, but no luck so far. Just gotta hang in there with the arm, shoulder and all. Adding to my health issues this summer, the season of allergies has been very bad since the spring with warmer than usual weather in Ottawa this year and to be honest, I’m just not doing well with the allergies right now. (Even with the meds I’m taking for it.)

COVID-19 continues to plague (no pun intended) the world, and Ottawa is no exception. While the disease in its various adaptive forms has shown signs of decreased cases and virulence (though not a lot of data is still being collected it seems and mask mandates are pretty much a thing of the past), it is still a pressing issue despite the claims. The world is trying to return to a pre-COVID style of life for the most part, but people continue to make not smart (read: stupid) decisions in terms of physical distancing and not wearing face masks and not taking measures to prevent the spread of the disease, among other things). I’ve had my sixth dose (the first 2 shots, and 4 booster shots), the last one in May, but it’s important to remember the vaccine is not the be-all and end-all cure, folks. Yes, that means I’m still being cautious and wearing a mask when I go out to places that have potential. I really don’t want the disease, to be honest.

And then we come to the weather… Ottawa and the valley have experienced several heatwaves since the middle of the spring and continuing into June, hot weather that is much more common in July and August, and those who predict weather patterns have stated this doesn’t augur well for the rest of the summer and early fall. While it’s only going up to 27oC today (with a humidex of around 31oC), I’m not comfortable due to my health (for reasons stated above) and there’s an additional factor involved. Massive, out of control forest fires in Quebec have caused smoke to blow into the Ottawa region. The air quality index is not very good today, and there have been quite a few bad days this past three weeks or so. For me, this includes difficulty breathing, chest pain, sore throat, irritated or burning eyes, and some brain fogging. I’m doing my best to stay indoors, not do too much, keep the air conditioning running and hopefully keep the smoke out of the house, and hydrating as best I can. Still, I’ve had several really bad days and I’ve got a bad headache today and am coughing with a sore throat. Not a happy camper, to say the least. Anyway, I fully expect the rest of the summer, including July, to be a miserable month between the temperatures, the allergies and the overall weather conditions. Just plan to do the best that I can. ‘Nuff said about that.

So, what am I expecting in the new month of July? Not much, really. Other than my regular footcare treatment appointment near the end of the month, I don’t really have any medical appointments scheduled. I don’t have a lot of plans for July, other than to do a bit of reading, work on some gaming adventures and material, and run rpgs with the two gaming groups. (I won’t be getting to play in any games this month, as none of my fellow players has chosen to run something for me to play in this year. A little sad about that, but I’m looking forward to running games for much of the month.

Otherwise, nothing planned for the day. I’ll be staying indoors, resting, reading a bit, drinking fluids to stay hydrated – oh, and running a session of the Rivers Of London: The Roleplaying Game with the Friday group tonight. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming June 25, 2023

Posted by jkahane in health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s a pretty nasty day here in the Ottawa valley today. The weather is very overcast (see below) and it is a sullen day with lots of humidity in the air. The temperature is currently 25oC and is going up to 30oC today, with rain expected later today. However, there is an air advisory out for today, as smoke from the Quebec wildfires is blanketing the city, and there’s a nasty yellowish orange haze outside. I had a difficult night of it for a variety of reasons, and am having a difficult day breathing the air, even with the air conditioning on. Bit of a sore throat from the air conditions, but planning to game today regardless.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming for the next three weeks in a row, so I’m quite looking forward to this.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m going to run this afternoon. They’ll be continuing on with their Session Zero material, as we’ll be talking about the game mechanics, criminal investigations and the city of London today, and hopefully get to a bit of playing. I’m quite looking forward to the game. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and put my feet up for a bit. The right shoulder and arm are hurting a lot, my left foot is throbbing somewhat, and my chest and throat are a bit raw (probably from my allergies and the forest fire air pollution). Just need a bit of time to compose myself.

Have a good afternoon, folks. πŸ™‚

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming June 16, 2023

Posted by jkahane in food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today has been a rather typical June day here in the Ottawa valley, with one exception. It’s been a mostly sunny day with a few clouds here and there and a touch of a breeze. The temperature hit a high of 23oC today, which is typical for the time of year. What has marred the day is that there has been some smoke from the Quebec forest fires in the air today, and that rendered the air quality somewhat hazardous and prevented me from going out today and doing much of anything strenuous indoors as well. My shoulder and arm are bothering me something fierce today, but otherwise I haven’t felt all that bad today aside from the air quality and breathing issues.

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night gaming group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I spoke to the players earlier in the afternoon, and everyone has agreed that they would like to game this evening despite the air quality business and the ongoing COVID-19 not-a-pandemic. There’s a possibility that we’ll be wearing masks this evening, depending on how the air quality is. No sense taking any chances.

Since I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to start running it, the Friday night gamers will be starting the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game (published by Chaosium, Inc., based on the Rivers of London or Peter Grant series of novels) campaign tonight. They’ll be creating their characters for the game and going through the basics of the game world and the mechanics of the game. Yes, it’s a Session Zero tonight!) I’m quite looking forward to the game tonight. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make something relatively light, but hot, for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. πŸ™‚