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Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming June 23, 2024

Posted by jkahane in personal, rpg hut, health hut, ottawa, weather, diabetes, sunday gaming group, rpg chat, doctor who rpg.
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It’s one of those early summer days in June when the weather can’t make up its mind. Today has had sunny periods, some very dark clouds, pouring rain, and rather humid. Not to mention pollen. The temperature is currently 21oC, but feels much warmer than that and rather damp, and is heading for a high of 24oC. There are thunderstorms in the forecast for later in the day and the evening. I’m feeling quite tired today after yesterday’s grocery shopping and errands, and didn’t sleep all that well last night. My aches and pains are being amplified by the dampness, and my right shoulder is hurting a lot. Feeling out of sorts.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. I’m somewhat nervous about today’s game, as the new schedule comes into effect for Sunday gaming, Tammy will not be playing today, and the new player that I’ve mentioned in several posts, Caroline, will be joining SteveR and playing her first session with us. Nervous, and excited, at the same time.

The players will be continuing their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. Caroline will bring a new dynamic to the group, and I’m quite looking forward to running the game this afternoon, and should be fun.

In the meantime, I need to get my act together for the day and get ready to run the game. Then relax for a few moments.

Have a good day, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming June 14, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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It’s been a relatively pleasant early summer day here in Ottawa. A little bit of everything but predominantly sunny periods with overcast periods and a little bit of rain, and quite windy at times. The temperature reached around 21oC, much more comfortable than the heat we’ve had recently, though it was a bit humid out. My body aches and pains persist, my right shoulder is quite bad at the moment, and my allergies have been nasty today. I’ve taken it relatively easy today, even going so far as to take some Tylenol, staying inside with the windows closed (as the air quality has not been good either).

Normally, tonight would not be a game night for the Friday gaming group, but due to the changes happening with the Sunday group (see this blog entry for more), I’ll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening. The players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Definitely going to need the players to do the heavy lifting for me tonight, since the right arm and shoulder are pretty bad. The players are looking forward to this evening.

The players will be continuing on with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and while I’ve not done an awful lot of prep for this evening’s session, I’m ready to game. Like I’ve said before, it’s very different than running a game set with a Time Lord and their companions aboard a TARDIS. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming June 7, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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It’s been a strange, early summer day here in the Ottawa valley. Started off gloomy and dark outside, then had thunderstorms around noon, then somewhat bright as sun tried to come out from the clouds, and looking to be a pleasant evening though it is cloudy now. The temperature reached around 20oC, much more comfortable than the heat we’ve had recently, and is relatively comfortable. My body aches and pains persist, and my right shoulder is quite bad at the moment. I’ve taken it easy today, even going so far as to take some Tylenol, staying inside with the windows closed (the allergy season is very bad at the moment).

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Definitely going to need the players to do the heavy lifting for me tonight, since the right arm and shoulder are pretty bad. The players are looking forward to this evening.

The players will be continuing on with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and while I’ve not done an awful lot of prep for this evening’s session, I’m ready to game. Like I’ve said before, it’s very different than running a game set with a Time Lord and their companions aboard a TARDIS. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

‘Tis the 1st of June June 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in atlantis rpg, cangames, diabetes, doctor who rpg, friday gaming group, health hut, life, new month, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, the world, troubleshooters rpg, weather.
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I’ll be going out to do the grocery shopping and some errands this afternoon, so figured I’d try to write this blog entry before I go out, as it’s going to be a warm day and I’m not sure how I’ll be feeling health-wise when I get home late this afternoon.

June 1st. The start of a new month.

And I am so happy to see the end of May. (And I suspect that quite a few people out there feel the same way.)

Last month was a pretty wretched month for me. Much of this can be attributed to the state of the world and society in general due to all the violence in the world out there, as well as the continued rising of prices of consumer goods (notably food) and the fact that COVID-19 is still out there. The basic nature of human beings has come out in these terrible times, showing its dark, deep ugliness during the last few months once more, with terrible events happening (that I’m not going into here).

In terms of myself, I’ve spent much of May dealing with the same problem that has plagued me for the last several months: diabetic matters bowel issues, what may be cancer (still waiting on biopsies and tests and specialist appointments), and some issues with dizziness, weakness, and muscle matters. Also dealing with my right shoulder, arm and back; still in severe pain and have limited mobility. Throw in the allergies this year, which are far worse than they’ve been for some time, and I’ve had a pretty miserable May of it.

When it comes to roleplaying gamesโ€ฆ I managed to make it out to CanGames 2024 and had a pretty good time of it. I paced myself well and ran two sessions of the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game RPG and a session of the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and had a good time of it. Caught up with some friends and acquaintances that I’d not seen on four years, met some new folks (one of whom is coming out tomorrow (Sunday) to create a character for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, hopefully to become part of the Sunday gaming group). The Sunday and Friday gaming groups will hopefully get some gaming in this month, and I’m looking forward to that. Both groups are continuing on with the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaigns, but I am looking forward getting back to the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game again, and also to running Atlantis: The Second Age and The Troubleshooters RPG as well in the future.

On the down side with June, this is the day that usually truly heralds the coming of summer for me, and the hot weather that I really dislike. It’s been a pretty hot month of May, with some unseasonal cool weather as well, so that doesn’t augur well for June. The allergy season is in full swing, as noted above, and it’s a brutal one, and I’m suffering from that quite badly as well, and that’s with taking meds and stuff for it. I don’t have a lot of doctor’s appointments this month, though that may change, so we’ll see how the medical aspects of the month turn out.

Anyway, June is off to a somewhat quiet, not great start, though the weather outside is quite hot today; at least there’s no heat warning in effect.

In the meantime, I have to try not to fall into depression about things and the fact that I don’t really see or talk to anyone, other than one of my friends once a week, and the gaming crew(s) of course.

“One day at a time in June” is my motto.

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming May 26, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s one of those later days in May where the weather is a bit unsettled. Today has been a day of mixed cloudy periods and sun, with a lot of humidity in the air. Not to mention pollen. The temperature is currently 21oC, but feels much warmer than that and rather damp. I’m feeling quite tired today after yesterday’s grocery shopping and errands, on top of Friday night’s gaming session, and didn’t sleep all that well last night. My aches and pains are being amplified by the dampness, and my right shoulder is hurting a lot. Feeling out of sorts.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Stomach is feeling a bit unsettled, so will likely eat lightly this afternoon and tonight. Going to have to get the players to do the heavy lifting today, as the right arm/shoulder isn’t very good as noted. Hopefully, the players are looking forward to this session.

The players will be continuing their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. I’m quite looking forward to running the game this afternoon, and should be fun.

In the meantime, I need to get my act together for the day and get ready to run the game. Then relax for a few moments.

Have a good day, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming May 24, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, doctor who rpg, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today has been a somewhat more typical late spring, early summer day here in Ottawa. The city has been under a bit of a heat wave for the last few days, but today was a pleasant, somewhat sunny day with overcast periods and a bit of a windy one at times. The temperature reached around 17oC, much more comfortable than the 28-30+oC weather we’ve been having, and was quite comfortable. My body aches and pains persist, and my right shoulder is quite bad at the moment. I’ve taken it easy today, taking care of paperwork that has needed to be attended to, staying inside with the windows closed (the allergy season is very bad at the moment).

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. Definitely going to need the players to do the heavy lifting for me tonight, since the right arm and shoulder are pretty bad. I wasn’t sure whether we would game this evening, since CanGames was this past weekend, and while I could have taken the week off gaming or played board games tonight instead, I’m feeling re-energised about gaming at the moment, and so have opted to game this evening. When I informed the players of this on Wednesday, they were quite pleased.

The players will be continuing on with their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game UNIT campaign this evening. The players are looking forward to playing the game tonight, and while I’ve not done an awful lot of prep for this evening’s session, I’m ready to game. Like I’ve said before, it’s very different than running a game set with a Time Lord and their companions aboard a TARDIS. That said, I am looking forward to running the game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make myself something nice and hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

Io Sono Venuto, Ho Gamed, Io Sopravvissuti A May 19, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, gaming hut, health hut, personal, rpg hut.
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I have returned home.

I came, I gamed, I survived. (I think.)

I’m home from CanGames 2024 (well, about an hour or so ago, iirc), and have come through the convention in pretty good shape, I think. There were some really excellent moments, a couple of not-so-great moments, but I think I enjoyed my weekend of gaming immensely for the most part. I will be posting up three or four journal entries during the next week or so about the convention, but for now I’m just glad CanGames is over for 2024.

I don’t remember exactly when I got back to the house (9:30pm or so?), but have only unpacked a minimal amount of the gaming stuff and am about to go relax for 20 or so minutes with a cup of tea, then hopefully get some sleep. I’ve got my foot and leg problems as well as the shoulder problems and other issues that shall remain nameless, and I hope I haven’t picked up con crud (or something worse) at the convention. ::knock on wood:: Remarkably, my voice has actually survived the convention this year.

Good night, all.

CanGames Begins Tomorrow May 16, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, doctor who rpg, health hut, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut.
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It is just one more sleep until CanGames 2024 here in Ottawa.

I’m looking forward to going to this convention for the most part, despite some health stuff that’s going on. It’s been just over 4 years since I last attended the convention back in 2019 (missing three due to the COVID pandemic, and then 2023 due to a diabetic lesion on my foot that kept me from walking for over 4-1/2 months). It’s a chance to meet old friends and acquaintances, chat with new folks and the like and doing the gaming thing, of course. I’m looking forward to running the two sessions of Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game and the one session of the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game naturally, though I do really hope that I actually get some players for the the three game sessions. (Like I said, been a while since I was attending CanGames, and not really sure what to expect, but I’ll find out tomorrow.)

My only real concern about the convention is two-fold. First, I’m having severe pain in my right shoulder, leg, and hip that has me on very shaky ground (literally feels that way at times) and whatever the issue is with my bowels (still waiting on some cancer biopsies to be performed). Secondly, I’m suffering from severe allergies this year (the pollen and stuff is really bad this year) and there’s the matter of the smog and pollution being caused by the forest wildfires out in the West drifting into this area. Just making meโ€ฆuncomfortable in a lot of ways, but with ‘s help, hope to manage everything and handle stuff. And, of course, being diabetic I’ve got to watch my blood sugars carefully and take my insulin dose at night during the convention, so that bears some more forethought as well. We’ll see how things go.

In any event, I can’t wait to attend CanGames 2024 this weekend! Hope to see you there, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming May 5, 2024

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, doctor who rpg, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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It’s one of those weird days in May, where the weather has a late winter early spring feel to it. Today has been gloomy and rainy thus far, and there’s a fair amount of humidity in the air as well. The temperature is currently around 15oC outside, but feels much cooler and damper than that. I’m feeling quite tired today after yesterday’s grocery shopping and errands, and didn’t sleep all that well last night. My aches and pains are being amplified by the coolness and the dampness, and my right shoulder is hurting a lot. Just feel out of sorts.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon group today; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. May have to get the players to do the heavy lifting today, as the right arm/shoulder isn’t very good as noted. Hopefully, the players are looking forward to this session.

The players will be continuing their Doctor Who Roleplaying Game campaign this afternoon. I’m quite looking forward to running the game this afternoon, and should be fun.

In the meantime, I need to get my act together for the day and get ready to run the game. Then relax for a few moments.

Have a good day, folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s May – The Start of a New Month May 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, gaming hut, health hut, life, new month, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut.
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It’s May 1st. A new month.

First off, Happy May Day (or Beltane, if you prefer)! ๐Ÿ™‚

April was a pretty rough month in a lot of ways, largely due to abdominal and bowel issues, some of which may be related to the diabetes but is largely due to other stuff going on that is being evaluated with delays due to medical healthcare problems in the province. There is a possibility that I may have cancer somewhere down below, but am waiting on a few more tests and stuff. In addition, my right shoulder and right upper back are very bad, and I keep having pain in the right thigh and back that feels very much like sciatica. I would say the shoulder has gotten worse over the last year or so, and the cold, wet weather that we had here in Ottawa the last (couple of) month(s) has not helped with the shoulder/arm issue. I’ve only had two tests done on the affected area, one of which was an MRI, since October, 2022, and am waiting on another MRI or ultrasound (not sure which) which has been delayed until August, 2024. Lifting stuff is not good at all, and more than the weight of a casserole dish and I’m in danger of dropping whatever I hold. sigh

Hopefully, May will be a better month all around. The local gaming convention, CanGames for 2024 is coming up this month, on the long Victoria Day weekend of May 17th-19th, and I will be attending the convention. You can read about what I’ll be running in this CanGames schedule entry, and I hope to see some folks at the convention. I haven’t been to CanGames since 2019 (due to the COVID pandemic and last year’s diabetic ulcer), so am quite looking forward to it. There are a couple of other things I’ll be doing this month that I’m not going to talk about yet, and I’ll be doing a bit of gaming with the Friday night and Sunday afternoon gaming groups, Real Life(tm) stuff permitting.

Anyway, I’m spending the day relatively quietly and taking it easy, though there’s a few things around the house I need to get done and and the like.

I’ll be posting up my book reads for the month sometime tomorrow or the 3rd at the latest, but for now, I’m just glad it’s the beginning of May.