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It’s May – The Start of a New Month May 1, 2024

Posted by jkahane in cangames, diabetes, gaming hut, health hut, life, new month, personal, rpg chat, rpg hut.
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It’s May 1st. A new month.

First off, Happy May Day (or Beltane, if you prefer)! 🙂

April was a pretty rough month in a lot of ways, largely due to abdominal and bowel issues, some of which may be related to the diabetes but is largely due to other stuff going on that is being evaluated with delays due to medical healthcare problems in the province. There is a possibility that I may have cancer somewhere down below, but am waiting on a few more tests and stuff. In addition, my right shoulder and right upper back are very bad, and I keep having pain in the right thigh and back that feels very much like sciatica. I would say the shoulder has gotten worse over the last year or so, and the cold, wet weather that we had here in Ottawa the last (couple of) month(s) has not helped with the shoulder/arm issue. I’ve only had two tests done on the affected area, one of which was an MRI, since October, 2022, and am waiting on another MRI or ultrasound (not sure which) which has been delayed until August, 2024. Lifting stuff is not good at all, and more than the weight of a casserole dish and I’m in danger of dropping whatever I hold. sigh

Hopefully, May will be a better month all around. The local gaming convention, CanGames for 2024 is coming up this month, on the long Victoria Day weekend of May 17th-19th, and I will be attending the convention. You can read about what I’ll be running in this CanGames schedule entry, and I hope to see some folks at the convention. I haven’t been to CanGames since 2019 (due to the COVID pandemic and last year’s diabetic ulcer), so am quite looking forward to it. There are a couple of other things I’ll be doing this month that I’m not going to talk about yet, and I’ll be doing a bit of gaming with the Friday night and Sunday afternoon gaming groups, Real Life(tm) stuff permitting.

Anyway, I’m spending the day relatively quietly and taking it easy, though there’s a few things around the house I need to get done and and the like.

I’ll be posting up my book reads for the month sometime tomorrow or the 3rd at the latest, but for now, I’m just glad it’s the beginning of May.

Getting Ready for Friday Night Gaming August 25, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, food hut, friday gaming group, health hut, ottawa, pandemic, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, weather.
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Today has been a pretty much overcast day here in the Ottawa valley. The sun tried to come out a couple of times with no success, and it looked like rain threatened to come down in the afternoon but it did not. The temperature hit around 23oC today, with only a bit of humidity in the air, making it feel like 26oC. I’ve been feeling under the weather for much of the day and very tired, since I had bowel issues all of last night and didn’t get a lot of sleep, and my shoulder and arm are very bad today. Still having a bit of sciatica, but not too bad today.

I’ll be gaming with the Friday night gaming group this evening; the players should be arriving within the next hour or so. The air quality has been all right today, but my allergies have been pretty bad. Everyone has agreed that they would like to game this evening despite new variant of the the ongoing COVID-19 not-a-pandemic.

The Friday night gamers will be continuing on with their Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign this evening. They’re quite looking forward to playing this evening. I’m quite looking forward to the game tonight. 🙂

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs and make something hot for supper.

Have a good evening, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming August 20, 2023

Posted by jkahane in diabetes, health hut, ottawa, personal, rivers of london rpg, rpg chat, rpg hut, sunday gaming group, weather.
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Today has been a somewhat cloudy day, with lots of moments of sunshine here in the Ottawa valley. The sun is currently out as I write this, but there’s a bit of haze in the air from the smoke of the fires in the Yukon and Northwest Territories that has made it to the east, though there are expected to be showers later today that will hopefully clear the air somewhat. The temperature is currently 231oC and is heading to around 28oC, the humidity making it feel in the low 30s C. I didn’t sleep well last night for various reasons and am somewhat exhausted, and my eyes are a bit red and I’ve got a sore throat (from the smoke from the fires, which the a/c in the house will help with) the allergies are bothering me, and I’ve got a bit of sciatica along with the usual problems in the various body parts. Am a mite irritable too, if I’m being honest.

I’ll be gaming with the Sunday afternoon gaming group today; the players should be arriving within the next forty-five minutes to an hour or so. The Sunday players will be gaming this weekend, but not the last weekend of the month, and after that is the long Labour Day weekend, so not sure when the Sunday group will be gaming next.

The Sunday afternoon gamers will be continuing on with the Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game campaign that I’m currently running. They’ll be continuing on with the first case file (scenario) I’ve got worked out (mostly) for them. I’m quite looking forward to the game. 🙂

In the meantime, I need to go upstairs, put my feet up for a bit, have a bit of water, or perhaps some hot tea.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂

Getting Ready for Sunday Afternoon Gaming January 26, 2020

Posted by jkahane in coriolis rpg, health hut, ottawa, personal, rpg hut, weather.
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Both the weather and my health have threatened to cancel today’s gaming on this Sunday.

Mother Nature has dropped close to 12 cms of snow on the city since last night, and there was freezing rain mixed in there as well. To add to my personal misery, the sciatica has migrated to my right side and I am in serious pain today as I write this. However, the weather has not dampened SteveR’s and Tammy’s spirits, and we are going to game this afternoon. Hopefully, my back can take it.

The Sunday gamers and I will be re-starting the Coriolis – The Third Horizon RPG campaign from scratch today, and I’, rather looking forward to this game. Hopefully, it will get my mind off my own health issues for the day.

Meanwhile, it’s time to head into the shower, and then hobble upstairs to make some (late) breakfast.

Have a good afternoon, folks. 🙂